Rural America has some of the most effective shelter programs, within limits…

(888) 805-0122

Rural victims have obstacles:

  • Geographic isolation: Rural areas are often more isolated than urban areas, which can make it difficult for victims to get help. They may have to travel long distances to reach shelters, support groups, or law enforcement.
  • Lack of transportation: Many rural victims do not have access to reliable transportation, which can make it difficult for them to leave their abuser or get to essential services.
  • Limited access to services: Rural areas often have fewer resources available for victims of domestic violence, such as shelters, support groups, and legal aid.
  • Cultural barriers: In some rural areas, there may be a cultural stigma against seeking help for domestic violence. This can make it difficult for victims to come forward and ask for help.
  • Fear of retaliation: Victims of domestic violence may fear retaliation from their abuser if they try to leave. This fear can be even stronger in rural areas, where the abuser may have more control over the victim’s life.
  • Economic dependence: Rural victims are more likely to be economically dependent on their abuser, which can make it difficult for them to leave. They may not have a job or their own income, and they may not have the resources to support themselves and their children.
  • Lack of awareness: In some rural areas, there may be a lack of awareness about domestic violence. This can make it difficult for victims to know where to get help or what resources are available to them.

    These are just some of the obstacles that victims of domestic violence face in rural areas. It is important to remember that these obstacles can vary depending on the specific community. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please reach out for help. There are resources available to you, no matter where you live.

    However, it is important to remember that we are not powerless to change the systems that harm us. By understanding how these systems work and by working together, we can make a difference. We can demand accountability from those who operate these systems, and we can work to create more just and equitable systems for everyone.

    Specific Impact

    24 Hour Care

    Immediate connection for support

    Services beyond most shelters

    Provide help to individuals with disabilities, especially age-related issues


    Provide counseling and support services to victims.


    Information at your fingertips, when you need it.


    Conduct research on crime and abuse and develop programs to prevent it.


    Advocate for victims’ rights and ensure that they have access to justice.


    Children who have been victims need constant options to build resiliency 

    Social Connections

    Raise awareness about crime and abuse and educate the public about the resources available to victims.

    Basic Needs

    Victims so often need the basics to live, get a new job, move into a new home and more.

    • Financial assistance: 
      • This can include food stamps, housing assistance, and utility assistance.
    • Medical assistance: 
      • This can include health insurance, prescription drug coverage, and mental health services.
    • Child care assistance: 
      • This can help parents pay for child care so they can work or go to school.
    • Job training and placement assistance: 
      • This can help people find and keep jobs.
    • Housing assistance: 
      • This can help people find and maintain housing, including rental assistance, homeless prevention, and rapid re-housing.
    • Legal assistance: 
      • This can help people with a variety of legal issues, such as housing, immigration, and family law.
    • Mental health and substance abuse services: 
      • This can include counseling, support groups, and medication.
    • Education and training: 
      • This can help people get the skills they need to get a job or advance in their career.
    • Transportation assistance: 
      • This can help people get to and from work, school, and medical appointments.
    • Food assistance: 
      • This can include food banks, soup kitchens, and meal delivery programs.
    • Energy assistance: 
      • This can help people pay their energy bills.
    • Clothing assistance: 
      • This can include clothing banks and thrift stores.
    • Personal care items: 
      • This can include hygiene products, diapers, and feminine hygiene products.
    • Pet food and supplies: 
      • This can help people who need help caring for their pets.
    • Recreational activities: 
      • This can include summer camps, after-school programs, and sports leagues.
    • Support groups: 
      • This can provide a safe space for people to share their experiences and get support from others.
    • Advocacy: 
      • This can help people get the services they need and fight for their rights.

    Call (888) 805-0122 for questions

    Our Mission

    No matter how you choose to make your gift, you can be sure that it will make a difference in the lives of victims of crime and abuse. Thank you for considering National Special Victims as a recipient of your planned gift.

    All donations are recognized by the IRS as generally tax-deductible.

    We focus on three main areas:

    • Rural victims: NSV recognizes that victims who live in rural areas often have difficulty accessing the same level of services as those who live in urban areas. They provide resources and support to help rural victims navigate the criminal justice system and get the help they need.
    • Victims who fall outside traditional victim categories: NSV also works with victims who fall outside of the traditional victim categories, such as group victims of hate crimes, human trafficking, and elder abuse. They provide these victims with the resources and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.
    • Victims with disabilities: NSV understands that victims with disabilities may have unique needs when it comes to accessing services. They provide resources and support to help victims with disabilities get the help they need to heal and rebuild their lives.
    landlord suffering from building destruction
    Group discussing what to do differently.
    Steve Decker, President/CEO of National Special Victims

    Our Philosophy and Vision

            Steve Decker is our President/CEO.  He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that will assist NSV grow and serve those in need.
    With his education in Business Administration, his diverse background includes wide fields of expertise.
            Starting as far back as 1992, Mr Decker has been involved in social work.  In 2000, he was hired to oversee supported employment
    operations for individuals with developmental disabilities with SVS. In 2005, he moved to work at JNCS, as Director of Supported
    Employment.  Creating a program and finding new avenues for growth, he expanded the role of the agency to work with individuals who were
    coming out of state institutions.  
            Mr Decker was hired in 2008 and oversaw the California Long-Term Care Education Center until July 2013.  CLTCEC is the largest
    vocational trainer of caregivers in CA, serving over 5,000 individuals per year, mostly single mothers.  The capstone of his achievement was
    the $11.8million CMS grant for 2012-2015.  Mr. Decker has been asked frequently to speak as an expert witness in cases where training and
    training requirements arise.  He has served as interim Executive Director and as a start-up ED for non-profit corporations.  He operated a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assualt response agency for 6 years, and during that time he discovered that they had to turn too many people away who were victims.
            Mr Decker believes that there needs to be a way to serve everyone.  No one should be turned away for having a disability that the shelter is not prepared to support.  No one should be told that because they need daily assistance they can’t be helped.  Everyone deserves a chance at healing and to feel safe.

    Need Urgent Help?

    If you or someone you know is a victim of crime, please do not hesitate to reach out to NSV for help. They are here to provide you with the resources and support you need to heal and rebuild your life.

    (888) 805-0122