National Special Victims (NSV) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides resources and support to victims of crime who may not otherwise receive services.

All donations are recognized by the IRS as generally tax-deductible. 

EIN: 87-2126730

We focus on these types of victims:

  • Rural victims: NSV recognizes that victims who live in rural areas often have difficulty accessing the same level of services as those who live in urban areas. They provide resources and support to help rural victims navigate the criminal justice system and get the help they need.
  • Victims who fall outside traditional victim categories: NSV also works with victims who fall outside of the traditional victim categories, such as group victims of hate crimes, human trafficking, and elder abuse. They provide these victims with the resources and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.
  • Victims with disabilities: NSV understands that victims with disabilities may have unique needs when it comes to accessing services. They provide resources and support to help victims with disabilities get the help they need to heal and rebuild their lives.
  • Systemic Victims: NSV knows that victims of systems may be the hardest to help.  When people are victims of systems, it can be difficult to know who or what to blame. The systems that harm us are often complex and invisible, and it can be hard to see how they are responsible for  pain. This can lead to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
  • High-risk Victims: NSV serves victims of crime, and other people who have knowledge about the commission of a crime, who are often required to testify at a trial or at other court proceedings. In cases where there is a high-risk of retaliation or discovery, NSV offers our Safe Shelter program.







Special Victims saved my life.


I was trapped.  No shelter would take me.


NSV is a valuable resource for victims of crime who may not otherwise receive services. If you or someone you know is a victim of crime, please refer them to this website or call our hotline for more information (888) 805-0122.

Here are some of the specific services that NSV provides:

  • Emergency Mobile Shelter: NSV can bring safe harbor to victims using our EMS systems.
  • Safe Relocation Service: NSV can help victims physically distance themselves when they are in a situation that a traditional safety plan is not an option.
  • Legal advocacy: NSV can help victims navigate the criminal justice system and ensure that their rights are protected.
  • Case management: NSV can provide victims with case management services to help them access the resources they need, such as counseling, housing, and financial assistance.
  • Support groups: NSV offers support groups for victims of crime to provide them with a safe space to share their experiences and connect with others who understand what they are going through.
  • Education and training: NSV offers education and training to help professionals who work with victims of crime better understand their needs.

If you or someone you know is a victim of crime, please do not hesitate to reach out to NSV for help. They are here to provide you with the resources and support you need to heal and rebuild your life.

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